investment group
The Investment Group works with two portfolios that differ due to the strategy of each fund. Our funds are the Long/Short Equity Fund and the Multi-Asset Fund. Both funds are discretionary and invest in equities pitched by our members, however the Multi-Asset fund team can additionally invest in fixed income. You will find more detailed information below. We will supply you with more information on the portfolio structures, asset allocation and performances with time.
Long/Short Equity
Investment Strategy
Opportunistic investment style. While we try to exploit both long and short opportunities, the portfolio is an Equity long-bias fund.
Investment Universe
Equities-only without a regional or sector focus.
Asset Allocation
We invest in up to 20 stocks in total with equal weightings. Thus rebalancing takes place on a regular basis if necessary. We do not hedge currency translations, instead we incorporate that aspect into the selection of our investments.
Investment Strategy
This fund invests in both equities and fixed income. However, the focus is on equities. Fixed income can be seen as a complement.
Investment Universe
Equities and fixed income without a regional or sector focus.
Asset Allocation
We invest in up to 20 stocks and fixed income products in total with equal weightings. Thus rebalancing takes place on a regular basis if necessary. We do not hedge currency translations, instead we incorporate that aspect into the selection of our investments.